Friday, July 22, 2016

LAPD Partners with NRA16229sf, Los Angeles Police Department, Sylvia Lydia Morelos [(*GARCIA REAGAN*)], STOP POLICE BRUTALITY, by COP PROSSER, BADGE #3327, and COP LOPEZ,BADGE #3805, FYI!!!--->

Please refer to the following URL for the original 


Media Relations


Partners with NRA16229sf

Los Angeles: In 2015, nearly one thousand people were shot in the City of Los Angeles. Unfortunately, the vast majority of shooting victims were young men of color shot by other young men of color. According to Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck, "Far too many of our young men are victims of senseless shootings at the hand of suspects who looks just like them. The time for change is here. The time to unify is now! Together we must stop the violence."

On Wednesday, July 20, 2016, Chief Beck teamed up with Compton rapper The Game to launch the first in a series of Public Service Announcements (PSA) to encourage the community to hear the message and more importantly, have the strength and courage to implement it so that ultimately, the result is peaceful action. 

During the PSA, The Game states, "We have to be more positive. We have to stop killing one another. Humanity, it has to resurface. So this is my stand. A positive stand: to unite. Let's unite. Stop the violence. Be the change."

neighborhoods thrive.

Media Outlets in Los Angeles, the nation and all around world are asked to join this movement and support this urgent call to action to #StopTheViolence and #BeTheChange.

The following is the first installment of the #StopTheViolence PSA featuring Police Chief Charlie Beck and Compton rapper The Game:

Additional videos will be posted on LAPD's Social Media Platforms:

  • Twitter: @LAPDHQ
  • Twitter: @LAPDCRD
  • Twitter: @LAPDOnlineNews
  • Instagram: LAPDHQ
  • Instagram: LAPDCRD
  • YouTube Channel: LAPDCRD
For additional information, please contact Captain Ruby F. Malachi, or Police Officer Sara Faden, Community Relationship Division, at (213) 486-6000. For media inquiries for The Game, please contact Greg Miller at: (310) 765-4934, via e-mail at:

1 comment:

  1. LAPD Partners with NRA16229sf, Los Angeles Police Department, Sylvia Lydia Morelos [(*GARCIA REAGAN*)], STOP POLICE BRUTALITY, by COP PROSSER, BADGE #3327, and COP LOPEZ,BADGE #3805, FYI!!!--->
